Everything at your finger tips

Everything at your finger tips

Monday, 18 May 2015


Trust is not associative (non-symmetric).

Trust is the amount of trust two parties have between each other. Within a buyer and seller relationship the amount of trust for each party is not always the same. Sellers can have a high quantity of trust in the buyer. Sellers place trust in buyers by them providing the money or service agreed on. This is contrasting to the buyers, where they may have less trust in the seller providing the goods or service that they might require to buy or agreed to. The buyer might not have the same trust that the product that will be delivered to them is the same as the one that was purchased.

Trust is not transitive.
Is the relationship extended automatically to one domain to another. Therefore each party has trust within each other.

Trust is always between exactly 2 parties.
Trust must involve two parties and work both ways. Therefore trust will not happen if both parties are not involved in the sale or service provided.

Trust will involve either direct trust or recommender trust.
Direct trust is when one party is directly trusting another party in a service or item provided. When they have placed trust in the individual, due to a third party recommending that they are trustworthy. 

Elements that have been incorporated to increase trust in the sites.

is considered as being trustworthy as it has a protection policy for buyers. The policy protects consumers from losing money and offers protection of fraudulent behaviour. This type of website allows consumers to build confidence and they are more inclined to use it, as there is less worries of being victims of fraud.

ANZ bank is the well-known and with online customer service, online banking and money transfer services it has provided credibility. It has achieved the credibility by having good security systems in place to protect its customers. Also customers have trust in banks, as they place their savings in a bank and the bank needs to build the trust for that to happen

Think Geek - website homepage has a customer certified badge that points out to customers that they are a trustworthy organisation.

PayPal - is a highly secure website that many larger companies and business use. It has a good reputation and is considered as a very professional website for payments. The Security on the site is very detailed and explains that PayPal takes security issue seriously.
A web site that  looks untrustworthy.

Wikipedia is a website that can be considered as untrusted. This is due to the fact that anyone can add information to the web page. It is what someone has placed an opinion on and it may not be truthful or fact. It is based on the editors thoughts and beliefs.





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